Governor's Corners
CV19 Update #24.
Governor Dino Silvestri started out his daily update broadcast announcing the location of the COVID-19 facility that has been established to handle any COVID-19 cases that might arise.

Governor's Corners
CV19 Update #23.
The daily update from the Governor's Corner included a report from this past Saturday about a shipmate aboard a cargo ship who came ashore illegally over the weekend. The shipmate was quarantined and remains isolated.

Governor's Corners
CV19 Update #22.
The 22nd Live update by Governor of the Bay Islands addressed a breach of COVID protocols whereby individuals were reported to come ashore from the mainland.

Governor's Corners
CV19 Update #21.
During the 21st Facebook Live transition, Governor Dino Silvestri announced a positive development coming out of RECO, Roatan's Electric Company. In short, RECO has agreed to:

Governor's Corners
CV19 Update #20.
The twentieth Facebook Live podcast by the Governor of the Bay Islands announced a gift of rapid response test kits. The COVID test kits were donated to Honduras. Governor Silvestri is looking for ways to get some of these kits allocated to the Bay Islands.

Governor's Corners
CV19 Update #19.
Governor Dino Silvestri resumed his live Facebook broadcast with the nineteenth update after a brief weekend hiatus. The Governor began with a stern reminder that citizens must obverse the current curfews and ordinances.

Governor's Corners
CV19 Update #18.
Governor Dino Silvestri urged residents to remain vigilant and remain at home. This request was issued because of reports that there has been some civil unrest inside the community of Coxen Hole.

Governor's Corners
CV19 Update #17.
Governor Dino Silvestri kicked off the seventeenth Facebook Live broadcast by addressing how donations may be distributed among the community.

Governor's Corners
CV19 Update #16.
Roatan Governor Dino Silvestri kicked off the 16th Facebook Live broadcast with concerns about potential travelers attempting to reach Roatan aboard cargo ships. For this reason, cargo ships are being searched.

Governor's Corners
CV19 Update #15.
Local business owners met with government officials today. During the meeting, business people urged government officials to lift the restrictions on local commerce; they argued that some trade is better than a nonexistent economy.

Governor's Corners
CV19 Update #14.
The central government put in place a public ordinance, which is being observed on Roatan. That said, the mayor's office has submitted a revised ordinance specific for Roatan, which includes a few exceptions to the stipulations put out by the central government.

Governor's Corners
CV19 Update #13.
The thirteenth live broadcast from Roatan Governor Dino Silvestri provided assurance and hope to the public at large. There has been conflicting information between the national ordinance and communication by local officials.

Governor's Corners
COVID Update #12.
During the 12th Facebook live broadcast, Governor Dino Silvestri stated that there is a good chance the existing curfew will be extended.

Governor's Corners
COVID19 Alerts.
Governor Dino Silvestri addressed the Roatan residents for the eleventh day straight via a Facebook live feed. What follows is the highlight from today's press briefing.

Governor's Corners
COVID19 Alerts.
The Governor enlisted the help of the public at large to encourage one another to keep off the beaches and self-police the shorelines against reports of illegal human transports coming from the mainland.

Governor's Corner Update
COVID-19 Updates.
The governor spoke about bipartisan unity during what may be the most severe health crisis to hit our island in a long while. Its not uncommon for the governor to be thanked during his Facebook Live streams.

Governor's Corner.
COVID-19 Alerts.
We’ve added a COVID-19 section to its website to help share translated information. More specifically, the new section includes emergency phone numbers, chat links which aim to connect travelers with all major airlines, and translations to official documents being put out by local authorities.

State of Emergency
New Curfew

Cargo Ship Restrictions
Cargo Ships
The Municipalities of Roatán, Utila, Guanaja and Santos Guardiola, informs the general population the conditions for the cargo boats to operate:

Curfew (Toque de Queda)
Curfew Guidelines
The department of the Bay Islands is under a curfew, so we ask the citizens of all four municipalities that make up the Insular Department to stay at home.